Are you ready to STOP working your little fingers to the bone?..... Want to finally sit back and relax while you listen to the
"cha ching" sound as your printables are selling and making you a passive income?
The PLR Printables Store Membership will help you grow your audience and business with ease.
Does this sound like you?
I hear ya friend. You're in the right place! ❤️
Join the PLR Printables Store Membership so you have an endless supply of DONE FOR YOU PRODUCTS AND PROMO GRAPHICS today!
What are you waiting for? This will give you time to focus on the next step in building your very successful business! .... Or plan your long overdue vacation!
The PLR Printables Store Membership is the ultimate resource of DONE FOR YOU printable products and matching promo graphics to help grow your email list and sell to your audience today.
Here's what you'll get:
This one decision could help you skyrocket your success and happiness today!
Check out what some of the "done for you" PLR Printable Products in the membership look like:
Here is a "quick" sneak peek of just one of the many
"over the shoulder" videos that are included in the membership.
Since every PLR Printable Product is created differently you get a 5 to 10 minute quick start video included with each, showing you
exactly where to click and
what to do to get the most out of your done for you products.
Your in Luck!!
You get free access to the "Planner Mockups Made Easy Course" when you join the membership!!❤️
In the Planner Mockups Made Easy Course.............. You are given step-by-step instructions on each template. You will learn how to use them as a "frame" where you simply drag and drop your own planner pages in the appropriate spots saving yourself unnecessary time and headaches! 😁
Guess What......
You get free access to these custom made 3 Ring Binder Mockup Templates when you join the membership!!❤️
With these 3 Ring Binder Mockup Templates you can simply drag and drop your images and printables pages to easily advertise to your audience today!!
Surprise!!! :).
You get free access to these custom made Stapled Activity Booklet Mockup Templates too, when you join the membership!!❤️
With these Stapled Activity Booklet Mockup Templates you can simply drag and drop your images and printables pages to easily advertise to your audience today!!
Guess What......
You get free access to these custom made Spiral Notebook Mockup Templates when you join the membership too!! ❤️
There is even a Quickstart Video included showing you how to easily customize these Canva Templates!!
They are included for you too!!!
You get free access to these custom made Animated Printer Mockups when you join the membership too!! ❤️
There is even a Quickstart Video included showing you how to easily customize these Canva Templates!!
No Problemo!!
You get free access to the "Done for You - Tripwire Course" when you join the membership!!❤️
In the "Done for You" Tripwires Course.............. You are given step-by-step instructions, sales page templates for elementor and leadpages, and also the "done for you" printable product! 😁
You get free access to the How to Create Unique Coloring Pages in Canva - for Beginners Course when you join the membership!!❤️
What are you waiting for, Friend?!
This membership is waiting for you to dive in
and get going!
I'll see you inside!! :)
That is why I created The PLR Printables Store Membership so you can take these VERY time-consuming task off of your plate today!!
Now I have a system that allows me to create beautiful unique printable products in just a matter of minutes by simply using these templates.
I don't stare endlessly at a blank screen trying to come up with a good idea anymore. I have a starting point that lets me easily make a few small "tweaks" and Ta-Da, Done!
Learn from my mistake.... don't do this the hard way and try to start from scratch.
With everything included, you'll achieve your goals in no time!
Here's what you'll love about this membership:
Simplify and streamline your creative process today with the PLR Printables Store Membership today!
As you customize these templates save a master copy everytime so you will have thousands of reusable templates!
You can easily customize these PLR Printable products to have your own branding or use them to create tons more easily!
We're committed to helping all of our customers reach their goals! We take your success seriously - when you win, so do we!
You'll LOVE this if:
This isn't for you if:
What will happen after I sign up?
You will receive log in credentials to the membership dashboard where you will find all of the PLR Printable products, Member Request Area, Video Training, and much more.
Will anything be shipped to me?
No this is a digital product and you will receive login information to the Membership Dashboard to access everything included.
Do I need to pay for Canva to use these templates?
No you can use the free version of Canva but the Pro version would be better.
We do use free and pro elements in all of the designs. So if you have the free version of Canva then you have 2 options. 1. Sell the pdf downloads that I provide to you (already downloaded from Canva so you won't have any watermarks on them). OR 2. Replace any pro elements with free elements of your choosing and then download from Canva.
We use pro elements because there is MUCH MORE of a variety to choose from! Plus you get so many more features with the Pro version of Canva that makes everything quicker to create and the whole process is more streamlined. :)
What does extended commercial rights mean?
This means you can sell the
done for you printable products in PDF format. You can also sale your finished product in PDF format that you make with the Canva templates that are included. You just cannot sell these exact Canva templates or the link to the Canva template files that are included in the membership.
Do you offer refunds?
I am sorry but due to the nature of this product being digital we do not offer any refunds. However, I am sure you will love it! 😊
I used to be where you are now....
I am so excited to be able to share this time-saving PLR Printables Store Membership with you so you can speed up your process today. Don't waste hours of time trying to create something from scratch.
You will be so glad you did once you see how fast your business will grow!
One more time, here's EVERYTHING you get when you join the PLR Printable Store Membership:
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